Managing Projects

Managing multiple projects is easy with Thankster

Under the Projects tab you can see a list of all your saved and ordered projects. You may have many different projects you've worked on, or you may have saved one project under different names as you worked through it. Click on the name of a project, to the right of the thumbnail of a card cover, to reload it for editing or ordering.  In the Actions column you can delete, duplicate, or rename a project.

To quickly reload the last project you worked on click on the red button with the project's name, on the upper left of the page.  Click on +New Project on the upper right of the page to start a new project.

Merge Fields

Our standard merge fields are list below.  You put these in the body of your message where you want to merge data.  Please contact us for any help needed here.

{*FNAME*} - First Name
{*LNAME*} - Last Name
{*EMAIL*} - Email
{*COMPANY*} - Company
{*GNAME*} - Greeting Name
{*CNAME*} - Closing Name
{*ADDRESS1*} - Address Line 1
{*ADDRESS2*} - Address Line 2
{*CITY*} - City
{*STATE*} - State
{*COUNTRY*} - Country
{*ZIP*} - Zip